
Monday, August 07, 2006

I gasp

I gasp…
for I am breathless
I can’t speak
my words are missing
for I am in awe
of the beauty
of transformation
of love
of HIM

August 2006
Dedicated to Marie, Love Ma2

Monday, July 24, 2006

Happy 27th Wedding Anniversary

It seems like only yesterday when you whistled at me

As I circled around to see who sent out their call

My eyes were drawn to you, standing in the midst of your friends

I bid my claim immediately that you were mine if we happened to meet

Destiny would have its way, much to my gain, and we met that one Wednesday in 1975

I was drawn to your qualities and goodness

Your spirit has always been sensitive and gentle since that moment we met

The kindness you displayed to everyone was something I can’t recall witnessing before I met you

The more I got to know about you, the more I knew you were unique, and special

I knew without doubt I wanted to be part of your life and to have you part of mine

Some would scoff because of our young years and lack of experience in life

But something has to be said for those that are divinely brought together, whether their young or old

You always bring strength and perseverance to our family, leading us down the path following God

Your attributes are imbedded in all of us, in me, in our children, it is so clear to see

Our love is true, and now thirty one years have passed since that day, I still stand in admiration and adoration of you

Our three wonderful children notice too, that you are beautiful

My heart still misses you when we are apart and beats with delight has soon as you draw near to me

I love you dearly and look forward to all of the days ahead to spend with you, becoming grandparents and growing old in each other’s arms.

Happy 27th Wedding Anniversary my love, your Honey (p.n) forever xoxo

Friday, July 02, 2004

Taking it all in.

I am taking it all in.
You think you know much until one day it hits you, I am still learning. Whoa. How is that possible?
You live through the rollercoaster rides and the bungee-jumping, so then what? Do I consider myself done, to have arrived, or to be well informed and wise?
Not at all, because just about when contentment settles in, something shakes it all up and it always seems to be the beginning of the next thing.